Price is Right Group Tickets and Summer is here. We are planning something special for our hard-working San Diego school teachers or other workers.
Because of all your hard work during the year we are planning a group trip for teachers and coworkers to the Price is Right. Price is Right Group ticket sizes are 25 teachers max, and if we have space, friends and family will be permitted. We will book on a “First Come, First Serve Basis” so please don’t hesitate.
Chances of winning are that one teacher from each group will get on stage, so know your grocery prices. People are chosen based on their congeniality, so make sure to give a good pre-show interview! We will be providing doughnuts and coffee for the trip up and will be stopping at Chilli’s Restaurant on the way home. Cost per person is $35, and the group tickets are free.
We will also need one teacher to organize your fellow teachers and had out the group tickets (you will not have to collect money, that will be done online via Paypal). For your support, you will be given free transportation! To register your school, please call (619) 800-5468
Be ready to pick your date and if you want the A.M. or P.M. show. REMEMBER: FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE! Bring all your favorite drinks, beverages or snacks!
Show Dates are as follows and consist of a MORNING SHOW & AFTERNOON SHOW. 2 GROUPS EACH DAY WILL BE ORGANIZED ONLY and group dates will be picked “First Come, First Serve”
Price is Right Group Tickets
Processing Times: Processing for the 12:20pm show will begin at 8:30am the day of taping. If you arrive prior to 8:30am each ticket holder will be given an Order of Arrival Pass with a request to return to the audience holding area by 8:30am to begin the processing. Processing for the 4:10pm show will begin at 12:00pm the day of taping. OAP’s are given only to those present at the studio. It is important to allow enough time to park your vehicle and walk over to our studio and be there during these times in order to complete the processing.
When should I show up? We do not suggest arrival times as every day is different. We can tell you that the earlier you get your “Order of Arrival Pass” the better your chance of seeing a show taping. Make sure you bring all your group tickets to the event.